Death of HM The Queen: Scout HQ have shared a statement from Chief Scout and guidance for this period.


This page gives a general introduction to adventurous activities. Other pages and links provide more detailed information about specific activities, training, permits, funding, etc.

For further information or enquiries:
Contact Activities Team

Running adventurous activities

To run adventurous activities for our young people you will usually need a permit. However you do not need to be a high level expert or have external qualifications, let alone be a professional instructor to obtain a permit. You will just need to show that for the level of activity you want to lead you have the adequate skills in the activity and in looking after young people taking part. Normally this involves a combination of training and experience – the requirements are detailed in The Scout Association’s Activity permit scheme.

The Activities Team can advise you on what is involved including on training opportunities.

Activity training programme

Our Activity teams and assessors run a range of weekends and courses for leaders, instructors and helpers interested in developing their skills so that they can run adventurous activities themselves.

Further details can be found on the Activity training page.

County Activity Teams

Our County Activity Teams provide specialised support for leaders interested in giving their young people experiences of different adventurous activities as part of the adventure and outdoors programme. You can find out more about them on their respective web pages:

Applying for or renewing an
Adventurous Activities Permit

Applications and renewals are now managed online. Click here to log in and access the online form.

However, if you are under 18 you will not be able to log in to our County website and you will need to contact and apply through our County Administrator.

If you cannot log in and have a current adult role in Berkshire Scouting, please follow the lost password etc. procedure on our log in page. If that doesn’t work, please contact our IT Helpdesk.

Please remember when applying for an adventurous activities permit that it is vital that you provide information on any previous permits, together with evidence of any relevant qualifications and a log of your experience over the last 5 years so that the assessor can decide what if any further assessment is necessary.

Applying for or renewing a Nights Away permit

Applications and renewals for Nights Away permits are dealt with by your District and you should ask your Training Adviser to put you in contact with a Nights Away Adviser (NAA) who will be able to help you through the process. If you do not know who your Training Adviser is, your Group Scout Leader should be able to help you contact them and/or one of your District’s NAAs.

If none if them can help you, contact the County Activities Team.

Funding for activity training

We have now extended our activity training grants scheme to cover more activities. In addition, more adult volunteers, Young Leaders, and Explorers are now eligible, and there is no longer a specified closing date.

Click here for further information about activity training grants.

Advanced first aid training
for adventurous activities

For those who want or require advanced first aid training we run a programme of 16 hour Outdoor Pursuits courses. The course is free to members of Berkshire Scouting. See the Activity Training page.


How to get involved

Register interest in volunteering or join our youth programme