Death of HM The Queen: Scout HQ have shared a statement from Chief Scout and guidance for this period.

Adult Recruitment: Recruitment Checklist

Berkshire Scouts provide an adult recruitment workshop. If you would like to book a workshop please ask your District Commissioner to contact: Volunteer Development Officer (VDO)

  1. Getting your Group ready
  2. Engaging parents
  3. Having the conversation
  4. Adult recruitment checklist
Getting ready to recruit 
Put a parent rota in placeGet to know parents/ Experience scouting 
Invite parents in to join activities regularlyGet to know parents/ Experience scouting 
Frequently have a team member on the door to greet and get to know parentsGet to know parents Build relationships 
Set up FB pages for each section and use them to update on activities and achievementsBuild relationships 
Set up section What’s App groups for parents to aid communicationBuild relationships 
Keep all team members aware of recruitment needs Spread the word
Promoted success stories in local mediaIncreasing local awareness 
Ensured a group presence at local community eventsIncreasing local awareness 
Planned regular communication to parents re volunteeringIncreasing awareness
Inform DCDistrict support 
Email VDO with vacancy details for volunteer advertsAttracting those outside group 
Facebook Adverts on Group/ section pages using adverts/ brand centre posters/ videosIncreasing awareness 
Facebook Adverts on local community pages using adverts/ brand centre posters/ videosAttracting those outside group 

Flyers/ posters around local area
Larger local businessesthose 
Parish and town magazinesoutside
Local newspapersof group 
If you have low YP numbers – contact our LDOs to discuss schools approach.Use waiting list and local demand to increase YP and volunteers. 
  Making the ask    
Ask new families to confirm volunteering commitment & complete family survey upon enrolmentGet to know parents 
Ask new families to undertake the 4 week challenge as part of joining process.Get to know parents 
Family meeting (including webinar) with an ask to:  
Family survey to current families then approach those with skill sets to take on tasks/ meetings ORGet to know parents 
Plan an outline term – ask parents to join a team to help plan/ run a session of their choice ORAsk all parents to take part in a 4 week challengeExperience Scouting       Get to know parents/ experience scouting 
Split up the leader role into tasksEasier to commit 
Identify who is best placed to make direct asks in teamRelationship 
Plan ask – skills/ needs/ benefitsKnowledge of person 
Directly approach parents face to face to askFocus/ relationship 
    Welcome and Induction    
Process for joining as a volunteer  
Induction6 months and beyond 
Team buildingSocials/ comms 

How to get involved

Register interest in volunteering or join our youth programme