The next County Dragon Boat Regatta will be on Sunday 6 July 2025.
As always, this will be a fun event open to teams of Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Scout Network members. Moreover, it will enable Cubs & Scouts to obtain an activity badge without doing anything else and will count towards the Berkshire Waterways Challenge Award.

No previous experience or equipment is required as the Waterside Centre will provide the boats, paddles, buoyancy aids, etc, as well as qualified helms who will tell your team what to do. The maximum number in a team is eleven (ten paddlers and one drummer) but don’t worry if you are one or two short as that usually makes little difference.
We also accept mixed teams (ie: either from more than one section in a Group and/or from two or more Groups or Units), but remember that the competition that you are entered in will be determined by the age of your oldest paddler.

You will be responsible for your team between races and all Cub, Scout and Explorer teams must be accompanied by a leader and adequate adult support. While we will again be providing some land-based activities for those waiting to race, there will not be enough for everyone and there is plenty of space for you to organise your own games.
Hot and cold food & drinks will be available at reasonable prices throughout the day.
The Cub competition will be held in the morning and all the others in the afternoon.
The entry fee is £105 per team and will give your team at least two races.

To apply, complete the application form and complete and submit it as instructed on the form together with the full fee. The number of places on this very popular event is limited and we can only accept one team per Group in each competition. For the same reason, applications will be taken on a first come first served basis, so do not leave it until the closing date of the 22nd of May.