We are dealing with an unprecedented demand for First Response training this term, if you require First Response training but are unable to book a place on a course please register on our waiting lists, we are doing our best to prioritise and where possible adding additional places. You can also do the blended learning model and attend the 10A zoom courses run by Hampshire (see details below).
We will be adding additional 10B practical validation courses to the diary to cover leaders for both blended learning and re-validation.
In order to offer flexible training for our volunteers we are offering two pathways for First Response training:
- Full day course – six hour face-to-face course;
- Blended model – online and practical training over three sessions.

Full day course (single session)
To take part in a full day (six hours) course, book a place via the Training diary. Courses take place in different venues across the county and are usually limited to 12 participants per course.
Blended model (three sessions)
Module 10A – theory 1 (online course)
(delivered via Hampshire Scouts)
Click this link for the e-learning session – complete the enrolment and follow the online instructions for the (approx) 2.5 hours e-learning session. The course can be completed in sections and saved. On completion of all sections, submit the form (selecting ‘Berkshire’) so your progress can be recorded by our County Administrator.
Module 10A – theory 2 (via Zoom)
(First Response zoom courses are delivered by Hampshire Scouts, click here for availability and booking information)
On completion of the course please forward your certificate to the County Office ([email protected]) so your training can be recorded.
Module 10B – practical
(delivered by Berkshire Scouts trainers)
Volunteers to attend a short face-to-face practical session (approx 30 minutes) to validate the practical elements of the training. This will include CPR, recovery position, and the opportunity to discuss with the trainer anything you are unsure about. Module 10A (parts 1 and 2) must be completed prior to attending this training.
Courses can be booked via the Training Diary.
On completion, your First Response training will be validated and added to the Scouts Membership system. The First Response certificate will be valid for three years.
The following table is a summary of the ‘blended model’:
Theory 1 | Required | e-learning | Link to e-learning session (approx 2.5 hours) |
Theory 2 | Required | Hampshire Scouts 10A Zoom course | Click here to book |
Practical | Required | Practical | Book via Training Diary |
External First Aid training
& First Response online conversion course
Any external first aid course that is set by a reputable body and meets the criteria of the First Response course can be considered a suitable alternative. The full First Response syllabus and course requirements can be found on The Scout Association website. Evidence of completion, for example an attendance certificate, can be submitted to the volunteer’s line manager or training advisor for validation.
If the course does not cover an element of the syllabus (for example child CPR or Sepsis/Meningitis) volunteers should make themselves aware of the signs, symptoms and treatment of these conditions. To help meet this requirement Hampshire Scouts have produced three e-learning modules which cover the additional content required for Module 10A & B – First Response.
Conversion from Emergency First Aid at Work (1 day)
Conversion from First Aid at Work (3 day/2 day refresher)
Conversion from Child/Paediatric/Schools First Aid course
If you have any queries please contact:
County Administrator