Explore the world and global issues by making use of international badges and awards in your section programme.
Each section has its own international and global badges and awards (see below) which can help:
• gain a sense of inclusion within the worldwide family of Scouting;
• increase awareness of the wider natural and man-made world;
• in responding positively to international issues.
The Scout Association
international badges and awards
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Scout Network

Beaver Scout section international badges and awards . . .

Global Issues activity badge
Beavers will be proud to support global goals. Take an active role in making our world a better, more sustainable place.

International activity badge
Beavers are proud of our international identity, so let’s celebrate and learn more about our world through our section programme.

My World challenge award
Beavers don’t have travel far and wide to learn about how the world works. Discover a range of exciting cultures and traditions, right on your doorstop.

Cub Scout section international badges and awards . . .

Global Issues activity badge
Cubs will be proud to support the global goals that children, adults and governments all over the world are aiming to achieve.

International activity badge
Cubs are proud of our international identity. Join-in celebrating different cultures around the world. Where would you most like to go?

World Faiths activity badge
Having faith means having complete confidence and trust in someone or something that matters to you. Whether you have a religion you follow or not.

Our World challenge award
Discover a whole world of cultures and traditions, right on your doorstep.

Scout section international badges and awards . . .

Global Issues activity badge
Scouts help make the world a better place, learn about important global issues and play your part in helping change the world.

International activity badge
Explore the culture and traditions of other countries. Your journey will broaden your horizons as you learn about different communities.

World Faiths activity badge
Discover the true meaning to the world’s different faiths, so you can find common ground in your personal relationships.

World challenge award
Whether you’re volunteering in your local community or learning about an international issue, this award is all about exploring the world and making a positive impact.

Explorer Scout section international badges and awards . . .

Global Issues activity badge
Explorer Scouts are proud to support global goals. Take an active role in making our world a better, more sustainable environment.

International activity badge
Explorer Scouts are proud of our international identity, so let’s celebrate and learn more about our world through our section programme.

Explorer Belt Award
The Explorer Belt is a challenge of a lifetime. It is a chance to take part in a ten day expedition that brings you a real understanding of a different country, its culture and way of life.

Scout Network international badges and awards . . .

Scouts of the World Award
SOWA is a Scout Network only award that gives Scout Network members the chance to undertake a project of their choice within the themes of peace, environment and sustainability and take action on their chosen issue.

Explorer Belt Award
The Explorer Belt is a challenge of a lifetime. It is a chance to take part in a ten day expedition that brings you a real understanding of a different country, its culture and way of life.