Listed below are the five objectives agreed with the County Management Team to support the successful outcome of Project Africa 2024. It is important that all leaders embrace the objectives in their planning of the activity.
1. To deliver an experience that allows young people (14-25) to participate in an identified programme of improvement, working in partnership with local communities.
2. To deliver the event in a way that provides opportunities for young people to complete elements of the Scout Programme, especially Top Awards.
3. To run an active ‘Join In’ programme across all sections of the County so that younger section members in particular become interested in similar future events.
4. To develop the capability/experience of our adult leaders in the delivery of similar events in the future.
5. To ensure that the event is youth shaped and fully involves Explorers and Network members in its planning and organisation.
See ‘Resources’ panel (top right) for resources to support the objectives.