Welcome to Squirrels in Berkshire! Our youngest section is aimed at children aged 4–6 years old and follows the Scouting ethos of offering fun and adventure while encouraging our young people to learn skills for life.
Places for 29 March are now sold out. A few places remain for 30 March (Squirrels, Beavers & Cubs). Join the fun, friendship and activities at the Berkshire Scouts ‘Wild Adventure Days’. Click this link for further details.
At present we have just over 30 Squirrel Dreys across the county and the number is rising all the time as Scout Groups realise the many benefits of having a Drey in the Group.

Having a Squirrel Drey delivers notable benefits in terms of parent engagement. This frequently translates into an increase in volunteering through all sections.
Squirrels are also proving effective at raising a Group’s profile within a local community as multi-activity after-school clubs for this age group are fewer and further between, and therefore more sought after.

There is a wealth of information to assist those interested in setting up their own Drey available on The Scout Association website and the County provides additional support to those looking to grow their Group through Squirrels via the Local Development Officers – Carly Brims and Kelly Fricker. If you are interested in discussing bringing Squirrels to your Group then please do contact them to discuss further.

For further information or enquiries:
Contact County Programme Team