Inspired by our various waterways across Berkshire, some gifting their names to our Districts, all our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, are invited to participate in our Berkshire Waterways Challenge.
This modular challenge includes three sections:
- observation and conservation of our waterways environment;
- water recreation;
- water safety.

The Waterways Challenge was initially launched in 2022 for our Cub section and by the Autumn of 2023 approximately 500 Cubs had completed it. Building on this great uptake and success, the Waterways Challenge has now been extended for both our Beaver and Scout sections.
Details of the three Berkshire Waterways Challenges, with programme ideas and supporting resources, are available by clicking:
The documents also signpost the many potential Activity and Challenge Award badges that can be progressed by taking part in the Challenge.

Leaders can opt to track progress for the various modules manually or via Online Scout Manager – the badges has been set-up already on OSM for you and this is what the entries looks like for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.

All those who successfully complete the Challenge will be eligible to receive one of the Berkshire Waterways Challenge badges – these are funded by County. The badges may be worn as an ‘occasional badge’ on the uniform, or on a camp blanket.

When complete, simply inform our County Administrator (County Office) by email. Be sure to advise which section level the young people are in, how many, and list what the young people have done to fulfil the Challenge criteria. The relevant number of badges will be sent to you.
Please also share images of your activities to the county Facebook pages (ensure relevant permissions are in place).

For further information or enquiries:
Contact County Programme Team
Berkshire Waterways Challenge gallery
Send in your images to add to the gallery below . . .