Join the fun, friendship and activities at the Berkshire Scouts ‘Wild Adventure Days’. The activity takes place during 29–30 March 2025 and is open to Squirrels, Beavers, and Cubs. There’s also the opportunity for adult volunteers to support the event.

Places for 29 March are now sold out. A few places remain for 30 March (Squirrels, Beavers & Cubs).
What are the Wild Adventure Days all about?
The Adventure Days are being delivered by the County Programme Team to support sectional teams across Berkshire to deliver the following Adventure Challenge Awards:
- Squirrels: All about Adventure Award
Squirrels All About Adventure Challenge Award | Scouts - Beavers: My Adventure Challenge Award
Beavers My Adventure Challenge Award | Scouts - Cubs: Our Adventure Challenge Award
Cubs Our Adventure Challenge Award | Scouts
Attendance at one of the days will be sufficient to meet the requirements of each award. Participants will have the chance to try new and exciting adventurous activities suitable for their age group. Examples of the activities are climbing, archery, adventure park, field games, caving, nature trails, circus skills, and much more.

When and where?
There are two activity days:
Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 March for Squirrels, Beavers & Cubs (09.30–15.30)
The event takes place at Paccar Scout Camp, Denham Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire SL9 0QJ
Cost and payment
£15 per participant for one activity day per attendee (no charge for volunteers). This includes the section specific challenge badge for those that successfully complete the award. Squash and hot drinks will be available. Note: travel costs and lunch not included.
Participants will need to bring their own lunch.
Details on how to make payment are included in the online booking form (see ‘How to book’ below).

District and section teams must ensure that they have the correct ratio of adults for the section concerned. They must submit an activity approval request by following their local District activity approval arrangements.
Places are available for volunteers to help organise and run the day please email [email protected] if you would like to join the team.
How to book
Districts are encouraged to manage the booking for their sections collectively as it will help you to build local networks. However, groups can book directly if they prefer. Bookings will close by 23 February 2025. However, please note that this is normally a very popular event and bookings may close early if capacity is reached. Spaces will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Note: if you are unsure who your District contact is, please email
[email protected] and we will try and help you.
Bookings should be made using this online form.

For more information . . .
Email [email protected]
Join one of our section Facebook Groups:
Squirrels | Beavers | Cubs