Registration for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme (DofE) can be made with the DofE Award Support Team.

For further information or enquiries:
Contact DofE Award Administrator – Karen Thurlow
The DofE Award Support Team provides registration, support and advice for Explorers and Scout Network members who wish to work towards the DofE Award. Normally, the first line of advice and support is available through Explorer leaders and Scout Network leaders.
Explorers, members of Scout Network and adult leaders aged 18–25 may register for the DofE Award through Berkshire Scouts.
There are three levels (see below for details) and the cost of registration is:
Bronze £30.50
Silver £30.50
Gold £37.00
The registration form can be downloaded as a pdf or Word document.
A one-off payment for each level of the award covers registration, enrolment onto the DofE Award system, welcome pack, badge and certificate on completion of the award. On registration an email will be sent to the participant with joining instructions for the eDofE online system, the Welcome Pack will be issued by DofE on completion of the contact information on the participant’s eDofE profile. The participant’s DofE Leader will be notified of the registration.
Progress through the award will be managed and monitored throughout the DofE Award programme – the interactive online system allows young people to upload evidence and information on their activities whilst leaders can check progress and offer support.
On completion of the award, the DofE Award Support Team is notified and will then arrange for assessment and issue of badges and certificates.

Training and support for leaders
It is recommended that leaders introducing the DofE Award programme undertake some training. The DofE Award supervisors course and the online courses are recommended. More information on the training opportunities for DofE Award leaders and volunteers can be found here and on the DofE Award Training Centre.
The Scout Association has produced a number of factsheets designed to help leaders who are supporting young people through their DofE Award programmes.
Expedition assessors
From now on, anyone who assesses a DofE Award expedition at any level must be accredited by the DofE Award scheme. For this you need to have completed the Expedition Supervisor and Assessor Training Course (EASTC), registered with The Scout Association, and been accredited with DofE. Full details including the steps to becoming an Assessor and links to training can be found on The Scout Association website.
Expedition and hillwalking planning guide
Here is a guide for leaders, to help train young people and prepare them for hillwalking expeditions to qualify for Bronze, Silver or Gold Awards.

Information, including registration, is available by contacting:
DofE Award Administrator – Karen Thurlow
or telephone 07557 965 636
Before making contact check the Frequently Asked Questions list (see below) maintained by the DofE Award Support Team.
DofE Award merchandise and support material is available direct from the national DofE Award organisation. Details of merchandise, support material and costs can be found on the DofE Award website.
Please note that award booklets are not available via the national DofE Award website.
The Award
The DofE Award is available at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. Each level involves volunteering, skills, physical recreation and an expedition. In addition the Gold Award involves a residential project.
Bronze Award – minimum age on entry: 14; minimum age for completion: 14.5. This requires components such as volunteering which involve at least three months volunteering, eg: helping with a Beaver Colony or Cub Pack.
Silver Award – minimum age on entry: 15; minimum age for completion 16 (15.5 if a Bronze award holder). This requires at least six months volunteering.
Gold Award – minimum age on entry: 16; minimum age for completion 17.5 (17 if a Silver award holder). This requires at least 12 months volunteering and a residential project.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register an Explorer for the DofE Award?
Obtain a copy of the Berkshire Scouts DofE Award registration form. Complete the details, obtain the signatures of a parent or guardian and the Unit leader, and post with the appropriate money to the address on the registration form.
I am an Explorer Leader – can I hold a number of registration books in stock in my unit?
No – each Explorer needs to be individually registered for the award.
I am a 13 year old Scout – can I register for the DofE Award?
The minimum age of entry to the DofE Award scheme is 14. The DofE Award is part of the programme of the Explorer section. Ask your Scout Leader for details of the local Explorer Units – may be you can start to join in some of their activities.
Do I have to wait until I am 16 before I can start the Gold Award?
The answer is yes, but if you have already gained the Silver Award you need to do slightly less in terms of the overall time – your local adviser can provide the details.
I am a 15 year old Young Leader – can I register for the DofE Award?
As a Young Leader (YL) you are also an Explorer and the DofE Award is part of the Explorer programme. The answer is therefore yes and your work as a YL, and the training you complete for that role, is likely to be valuable to you in working towards a DofE Award.
I have just completed my Bronze Award, will someone from the DofE Award Support Team be presenting it to me?
With the exception of the Gold Award, which is presented at events organised by the DofE Award scheme itself, you can make your own local arrangements for receiving your award. Why not discuss this with your leader? The DofE Award Support Team can, if you wish, help arrange for a member of the Programme Team to be involved in presenting you with your award.