The Explorer section caters for young people aged 14–18 years. There are over 900 Explorers in Berkshire enjoying their Scouting across approximately 50 Explorer Units. There are a variety of activities and challenges required to gain their Chief Scout’s Platinum and Chief Scout’s Diamond Awards as well as the King’s Scout Award.

The Explorer section
With the support, direction and guidance of Unit leaders, Explorers are encouraged to lead themselves, design their own programme and work towards the top awards that Scouting offers. With exciting prospects like being a part of camps and expeditions both home and abroad; adventurous activities such as mountaineering, parascending and off-shore sailing; Explorers offers fun and adventure for all.
Explorers also have the opportunity to be a part of the Explorer Young Leaders’ Scheme which develops their leadership skills and sense of responsibility, by helping to run meetings for younger sections.
A group of Explorers is called a Unit and is part of the District’s provision of Scouting. An Explorer Unit and a Scout Group may work together under a Partnership agreement, which should set out clearly the links between the Unit and the Group, arrangements for communication, use of equipment, facilities and resources.
Click this link for more information about the Explorer Scout section.
For further information or enquiries:
Contact County Programme Team