The Young Leaders’ (YLs) scheme is just one of the exciting programme elements in the Explorers section. All leaders in the Beaver, Cub and Scout sections who are between the ages 14–18 must be members of an Explorer Young Leaders’ Unit. They are Explorers who choose to devote a large proportion of their time in Scouting to service in another section.
You may not know it yet but by providing and supporting YLs in their training you are playing a key part in developing the leaders of the future.

So, you’ve got a YL, what next?
We know that leaders can be hard to come by. Help for your section comes in many forms. Many Explorers are keen to offer time and energy to help with the younger sections, either because they are working towards an award requiring some element of service, or just because they want to.
Hopefully, many of these YLs will be the adult leaders of the future, giving something back to Scouting having had a great time themselves in the youth sections. It is important that we encourage them and help them make the most of their young leadership experience, as this will both benefit them in their personal development, and your Group and the movement as a whole.
Remember that your YL is also an Explorer and can take part in the wider Explorer programme.
The leaflet below has been written to help you gain the most out of a YL’s time with you, whilst safeguarding the interests of the YL:
So you’ve got a Young Leader what next?
Training modules

The modules are designed to be flexible and encourage innovation, so be as creative as you can! As long as the aim and objectives are met, they can be delivered in any way by anybody with the appropriate training or experience.
Note: Module A is compulsory for all Explorer Young Leaders and young leaders volunteering from outside of Scouting. The module must be completed within three months.

The Missions
This part of the YL training is to be completed in the sections the YL supports. It is an opportunity for the YL to put into practice the skills they have learnt in the modules. By completing each mission, the YL will develop their skills, find out which elements of leadership are their strengths, and identify skills that they may be able to further improve and develop.
The missions are designed to prepare the YL for adult leadership.
The missions are:
Mission 1: Game | Plan and run a minimum of three games with the section you are volunteering with. At least one game should take place indoors and one outdoors. |
Mission 2: Activity | Plan and run an activity (not a game) with the section you are volunteering with. |
Mission 3: Programme planning | Take the section’s programme ideas to a Programme Planning Meeting. |
Mission 4: Delivery | Take responsibility for organising and running part of the section programme. |
Moving on
Moving on from being a YL into an adult leadership role can seem a bit of a daunting prospect. We have tried to provide guidance for where YL training can be used towards the adult training scheme.
So Young Leader training counts for what?
Help the YL to consider which section they might like to work with. Would they like to be a section leader or to help on an occasional basis? Consider other roles, too. They could become a member of the Executive Committee or a manager or supporter role. They could join an Active Support Unit (ASU) or get a permit to support others to do outdoor and adventure activities. To run Scouting effectively, we need all kinds of volunteers in all kinds of roles.
Top Awards
Did you know that the Platinum and Diamond Chief Scout’s Awards, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and the King’s Scout Award have a volunteering element? Volunteering as a YL can count towards this.
Explorer Belt – continue the fun and adventure by taking part in an Explorer Belt. This will put the YLs planning and organisation skills to good use!
To learn more about the top awards available to YLs, visit:
Top Awards.
For further information or enquiries:
Contact County Programme Team